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I have a NZ new 2007 Mazda6 LTD, 5 speed automatic, with just over 81000km. I took the car to a specialist transmission workshop for a routine service, and was advised that it needed major work - several thousand dollars at least. They further advised me that they frequently have the same issue with these transmissions, and that the problem was random and that it did not seem related to either age, mileage, or misuse. The local Mazda agent has confirmed this. The vehicle is outside the warranty period, but this amount of damage indicates a flaw in either the parts or the manufacture, as there should not be such an issue with a car of this age and mileage. Do I have any case to seek redress from Mazda?


As you say, the warranty has expired so without knowing a little more, it's hard to know whether Mazda would apply any post-warranty goodwill assistance. Under usual circumstances, manufacturers deem goodwill to apply both ways, ie; if you are the first owner, have always serviced the vehicle within their dealer network, have been loyal to their brand etc, they would see this as you having demonstrated goodwill towards them, so they might be inclined to reciprocate.
An automatic transmission contains moving parts and furthermore components that can be subject to wear and tear, so failures can occur, but genarally speaking, a transmission would last longer than 5 years/80,000km.
While I can't speak for Mazda, it's worth approaching them through the dealer to see if any assistance might be available to you.


Thank you - appreciate the response.


Hi. I have had my 2006 Mazda 6 for 5 yrs. SInce approx 130000ks Ive been experiencing gbox slippage. Was advised at the time that as its out of warranty tough luck. SInce then Ive done another 28000ks and now its in the workshop with the gbox out while we wait the sourcing of a suitable secondhand gbox as recon seemed too expensive. However now I know the true extent of this problem a recon one maybe a safer way to go. One would think that Mazda would come to the party especially seeing as this isnt just a one off. This is the second Mazda 6 Ive owned, plus a Mazda Bounty ute, so I think Ive given them a pretty fair go.


It's always difficult determining what would seem reasonable for a manufacturer to consider as a post-warranty goodwill claim. When we purchase a new vehicle today, the warranty conditions are outlined, and in most cases cover is provided for 3 years or 100,000km, whichever comes first.
However, most manufacturers today do allow some flexibility. In a case such as yours where the vehicle is 6 years old with close on 160,000km, I would think most manufacturers would consider that too far out of warranty to consider a goodwill request.
I guess we've come a long way in the past couple of decades when warranties were generally 12 months or 20,000km.
Cars are expected to last longer today, and consumer law provides for a reasonable amount of protection, but unfortunately, (as much as we might not like it) there comes a time when as consumers, we are responsible for repairs and maintenance.