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Hi, just wondering what our legal rights are and the best way to claim for damages.
My brother in law was sitting in the supermarket car park waiting for me to finish shopping when a couple let their trolley go (with box of beer in it) and it crossed the car park and caught his car between the back door and back panel, causing a fairly big dent (too big to wave off). We have their name, phone number and car licence plate.


If you have their contact details then its best you try and sort it out between yourselves. You would be best to get a quote for the repairs first so the other party is aware of repair costs.

If your brother in-law has insurance it may be a good idea to seek their opinion as well.

It should be fairly straight forward if the other party has accepted responsibility. They may ask for another quotation to compare prices which is understandable.

Ending up in a dispute tribunal should be a last resort but definitely an option.