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Hi someone i know brought a vehicle on trademe from a car dealers, and in their advertisement it said vehicle came from the insurers following partial immersion in fresh water. Then states this vehicle will require re compliance and registration, as the insurance company in their wisdom de registered it. And is sold on a as is basis.They got the vehicle took it strait to the Re compliance shop to get the compliance done only to be told by them that the vehicle has been written of due to flood damage.. so they said by law it need to go to a repair certifer and get checked took it to one and he said could cost up to $10,000 to get fix cause anything needs to be replace because it has been written off cause of flood damage. then has to get re compliance then registration . when they found this out they were very upset, so they rung the car dealers saying they want to return the vehicle and get their money back, but they said NO they havent done anything wrong. it my friends had know en it was WRITTEN OFF they would never had brought it. what is your advise on this.


To be honest I think your friends were very foolish to even consider buying this vehicle in the first place.

The fact it was de-registred and needed to be complied and re-registred was another way of saying it had been written-off by the insurance company.

Surely your friends did not believe the compliance was going to be a straight forward process and no repairs to the vehicle were required.

If they believe the vehicle was misreprented to them they should contact the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal to seek advice on whether they have a calim against the Dealer. That number is 0800 367 6838.


These people took it to the MVDT and won, and got there $18,000 back.