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I got pulled over last night and they said that my front number plate needs to be in the middle of my car, rather than to the side. I’ve tried looking it up today and as far as I could find, so long as the number plate isn’t angled, and is visible it is fine. Furthermore my car has passed wof with the number plate to the side countless times. Were these cops just trying to find fault or do I need to be moving my number plate to be more centered?


Here is what the NZTA say...

Display of number plates
All plates must be fixed securely to the vehicle in an upright position. They must be displayed so that all the characters (numbers and letters) are clearly visible at all times.

A motorcycle, moped, tractor, trailer or trade plate must be fixed on the rear of the vehicle.

All other vehicles require two plates, one at the front and one at the rear.

If you believe the number plate was clearly visible you could challenge the ticket, you could gather other photos of vehicles with the number plate in the same location Alfa 156 models seem to do this due to their grill orientation .