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I was on a one lane road and giving way to the main road for a left turning. A car was behind me. It came to my left hand side because that had a space and it was trying to turn left too. Was it following the road code? There is only one lane on the road.


Hi there,
Please find the two links below on the rules around turning and passing.
It would seem to me that the vehicle was essentially trying to pass you on the inside instead of waiting behind you till you turned. My only thought from their point of view would be if they couldn't see your turn signals.


There were an giveaway and white lane in front of my car. Is that allowed to pass vehicles in front of the give way sign?


Hi there,
I am unable to comment any further on the matter sorry, there are too many variables and I am not aware of the road nor the situation you were faced.
I recommend speaking with the police if you need further clarification.