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My daughter recently had an accident where she was turning right at a Give Way. There was an oncoming car on her right, but this was some distance away and driving slowly over a speed hump. My daughter ascertained it was safe to pull out and did so. As she pulled out into the intersection, a motorcyclist who was initially concealed by the oncoming car, undertook that car and accelerated quickly from behind it on the left, and ran into the drivers door of my daughters car.
His undertaking and speeding was also seen by a witness who was on the left hand footpath as the motorcyclist undertook the car, startling her as he came close to the footpath.
My daughter was deemed to be at fault for 'failure to give way' and the motorcyclist was fined for speeding and undertaking.
Surely it was his reckless riding that caused the accident?
He was not visible when my daughter pulled out into the intersection, and as he sped around the left side of the other car she was unable to avoid the accident.
Do you agree? If so, how do we dispute who was at fault?
Many thanks, Lisa


Hi Lisa,
In this situation we would recommend speaking with a traffic lawyer so they can give legal council and advise if they see a way of disputing the cause of the accident.
Citizens Advice may also be able to assist in providing information on how to proceed in this case.


Thank you very much for the fast reply and advice.