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Can you please advise if legally, by the Rode Code, it is acceptable to use the hand brake instead of the foot brake when stopped at an intersection for a relatively long period of time (e.g waiting in a queue at traffic lights).
My son was advised by an instructor not to do this when he sits his test. I have been teaching him to apply the hand brake and put the transmission in neutral as I believe it is safer to do this rather than waiting with your foot on the brake pedal.


Hi There,
Our driver training team has commented below.
Certainly if you are stopped for relatively long period of time at an intersection it is acceptable to apply the handbrake and certainly in England they are taught to apply the handbrake whenever stopped at an intersection but over there around 70% of the population still drive a manual transmission if the figures I read are still current but here our newer vehicle are predominately automatic.

So stopped for relatively long period of time at an intersection yes use your handbrake, and also if there is a gradient yes use the handbrake obviously to avoid rolling back (or forward).

Here is the road code online link for moving off and stopping and the handbrake is mentioned in both situations.