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I received a bill yesterday for $454.25 dated 30/11/2019 for my car in which I have had none of this work done on my car nor was I booked to get any work done.
He was a new mechanic I went to around the 8th month of this year and had some work done, the bills have been paid in full I have the receipts.

This is a bill out of the blue and was sent to my address.
I'm going in tomorrow (Monday morning) after I have done a 12 hour night shift to find out why I have received this bill.
I'm hoping he realizes its a mistake and changes it.
He has my registration number on the bill, and I do not want to pay for work I clearly did not have done. If he does not accept this is a mistake what else can I do?
How on earth does this happen????


Hi there,
I'm sure it's just a clerical error and when the account was made up to be sent out, the incorrect registration number was keyed and then the address associated was also incorrect and hence you received the account instead of the original recipient. I don't believe you would be needing to go to a disputes tribunal over it and they should see the error.