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I followed a SUV into a supermarket car park. It pulled off to the right (without indicating). I assumed he was pulling into a park on that side and slowly started to pass him on the left. He then started to reverse and hit me in my drivers door. Because I was moving forward the damage continued down my door to the rear passenger door. He was backing into a park on the left. He had no damage to his vehicle , other than some paint on his tow bar.
Who is at fault. I only have third party insurance.
Thanks, Paul


Hi there,
The car behind has the responsibility to make sure the way is clear when passing another vehicle (especially when passing in the inside) and for the duration of the manoeuvre. However, in this case it might actually be ruled 50/50 as the front vehicle was reversing at the time (contrary to traffic flow) and also must make sure the way is clear for the duration of the move.


Thank you.