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Kia ora, I recently took my light trailer to a different WoF assessor than I have done for the last 7-8 years and it failed on a number of physical items that have been unchanged on the trailer for as long as I have known (9+ years). Things like the safety chain being welded to the drawbar - apparently it needs to be bolted not welded (the condition of the welding is fine), and having different fittings for the rear lights - apparently they need to be identical / symmetrical. Is there any way I can check what the WoF requirements are for a light trailer to know if the assessor is correct or perhaps mis-interpreting the regulations? I don't want to use the trailer if it is not safe (and unwarranted) but I am just a bit mystified that previous WoF assessors haven't commented or been concerned by these issues previously. Many thanks


Hi there,
All inspectors read from the same book of rules, and should enforce them the same. A link to the WoF requirements can be found here: it says that welding of a chain is permitted as long as certain conditions are met.
There is also lighting positioning and operational rules as outlined here: