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I have just involved in a accident. The car hit me from behind and cause me to spin and take a lamb post on the side of the motorway.
The car was registered under my name but belongs to my son. As he is only just turn 18 and a learner's licence. The car was a Holden 2001 red. Was not insured. The cops was involved so as saint John's. But I have no information about the driver that causes the accident. The cops have all that. This is first accident I ever involved in. What I want to know from a legal point of view is am I going to get compensation for the damage car since it's a written off. And I am not at fault. Please




Hi Bowen,
The police should be able to give you a copy of the report and will also indicate who they say was at fault- they may be able to give contact details.
You will need to contact the driver and let them know the value of the vehicle that was written off- and any costs associated with the accident- they might choose to give you their insurance details. If they also were not insured, you may need to claim through a dispute tribunal - even then it may be hard to receive any money back. We can't stress enough the importance of vehicle insurance.