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Hi there
There is a car parked in front of my house in a Wgtn suburb that is both unwarranted & WOF and has been there for months. What is the law regarding allowing owners to keep there car in a public parking zone? It has not been ticketed as yet but wanted to know if there is anything I can do about it as the owner is unlikely to move it. In the meantime because of lack of street parking this car causes, people are illegally parking near to my driveway in a space that is not marked as a car park, and it's super hard to manouvre out.


Hi there,
Unfortunately as it is parked in a public space, there is little that can be done. Tickets and notices can be issued, but no one will want to pay for any towing or storage and so it will just stay put. You may want to report it to the police just in case it has been reported lost or stolen.