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Hi. We drove my sister's car to mechanic due to noices while the car is on. During the assessment the mechanic accidentally broke the driver side's window glass as the door suddenly locked and the mechanic forced the door open hence the broken glass. Then I receive call from them and was told that the car issue was the wheel bearing and needs replacement. I was quoted 963 + gst for fees including the broken glass. Can I ask are we liable for the cost of the broken glass even though the mechanic has broken it for forcing the door to open from outside. Pls give us legal advice. Thank you and looking forward to hear from you. My sister is an AA member too just asking on her behalf. Thanks


Hi there,
I believe that I just spoke to you on the phone, If the car was in the care of a workshop and they broke something then they must remedy it and not pass the charges on to you. There are companies/ roadservices available who could come and unlock a vehicle without breaking the glass.