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Dear Community,

We have been blessed to be able to live in a world that has the technology to provide portable electric vehicles.

I really love the hype around these funky gadgets.

However, I can't seem to find any official rules on them.
Are they allowed to ride on the road/bicycle lane? Or is there a velocity bracket that defines this.
Also if a helmet is required?
What about more than 1 rider per "vehicle", is that allowed?

I found this on the NZTA website regarding what type of "vehicle" they are classified as:
Generally, the answer is that they’re considered to be a pedestrian, which determines where they can use their skates, scooters or skateboards.

But this was for conventional non electric ones, the electric ones are capable of much higher speed.


Hi there,
From what I can see, the transport agency are looking into the possibe rules and guidelines surrounding these popular electric forms of mobility. Currently there are limited rules but I'm sure this will change, I would expect to see change in the area of speed limits, safety equipment, and defined riding area for these in the near future.


Thing is, technology and innovation progress far faster than legislation. By the time the legislation is adapted, there will be more things invented that are outside that new legislation.