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Hi, I would just like to ask if its possible to return the car that I bought? I have been having problems with it for the past month. I purchased the car back in May 21 from a car dealer under 0 deposit finance. Problems started happening May 27, the aircon was blowing hot air even if the thermostat is set to the coldest, socket for the cellphone charger was not working properly and the wheels had a screeching sound whenever it was turning. I brought the car in on May 27th for them to fix, and they returned it to me on May 30th. After a while it was working fine, until July 7-8, I experienced a problem where when I turn the wheel, there would be a squeaking sound, I observed it for a few days as it might be something minor but apparently it has something to do with the alternator belt being worn out. I called them on July 11, to tell them about the problem but they were telling me that this is a wear and tear item and that it has already been more than a month and that I should shoulder the cost of the repair.

I called consumer protection for information regarding the matter and I was told that the wear and tear items should not be worn out within the time period that I had the car even if its a used car and I was told that if the car dealer doesn't want to fix it that I should dispute it. I called the car dealer and told them about what I've learned, they refused to fix it and told me the same thing. They told me that its not for them to replace this.

I got it fixed because it felt like it was a serious issue and that I could get into an accident if I don't, then I filled a dispute. When I and the car dealer received the letter of the dispute which is on July 30, they called me up to settle and asked me to cancel the dispute. They wanted to pay for the repairs and the dispute costs, I gave them the dispute cost and at the moment nothing is agreed if we are going to cancel the dispute yet, awaiting their reply if they accept all costs. Then, early morning of August 1(today), I am experiencing the same problems again. The aircon was blowing hot air even on coldest settings of thermostat, the wheels have screeching sound whenever its turning and its louder now it feels like the wheels are going to come off if I run it on that condition and the socket for cellphone charging is not working properly again.

I am not sure what to do next or how to proceed with this. getting tired of this back and forth with the car dealer as I am wasting a lot of my time in doing so. I'm also scared that if they fix it now, and the problem happens again in the next few months I won't be able to get them to fix it anymore and that Consumer Guarantee won't cover fixes anymore.


Hi there,
Please follow this link which has a very good information of solving problems with a dealer, and the rights/remedies available for fault categories.
There are two- serious and non serious, with non serious faults having the vehicle rejection option.
A second opinion may be required in order to find out the extent of the faults and costs to remedy.