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I am a taxi driver with over 30 years experience.
I am fed up with the introduction of a new log book although I managed to knock out the requirement that we keep a running total of hours worked.
NZTA is preparing to prosecute me for refusing to use the new log Book.
I have written to the Minister of Transport and want to send you a COPY.
Truly the mind boggles with irrelevant complexity of the new system.
I will send a copy the Ministerial tripe


Please do not forward a copy of your corrospondence to the MoT as this particular forum is unable to provide comment or answers to these types of questions.


I have emailed the correspondence.
I am surprised that you cannot provide comment or answers.
Do you know who can respond to my predicament?
Thanking you


The AA are not experts in commercial transport legislation. In the first instance I recommend you contact the NZ Taxi Federation for advice:


What new logbook is this. I have not recieved any new log book details.


There is no new log book prepared by LTSA.
We are expected to use the new? second grade/rate Taxi Federation Log Book.
I am still using the old log book.