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There are 2 intersections where it is not clear what drivers should do.

1) I am on a main road (Church Street) turning right into Mays Road, from a right turn lane (end of a median strip), a truck is coming from a driveway on Church Street. This driveway is ahead of me and over to my left. The trick driver wishes to cross the road (across the 2 lanes and a median strip of Church Street) and turn down the road I am turning right down - Mays Road. Who has right of way?

2) A vehicle on Mt Smart Road is turning right onto Felix Street. It is a busy intersection. By the intersection is a BP with a driveway. Cars coming from the right on Felix Street have a stop sign. Cars come out of the BP and go up Mt Smart Road or up Felix Street. Does the car already on the main road (Mt Smart Road) have right of way of cars coming out of the driveway of BP?


H there,
From what I can see, the truck is performing two manoeuvres 1/ right turn to enter Church road and then 2/ left turn into Mays road.
It's one of those slightly uncertain situations where both motorists would need to be cautious and courteous at the same time. Basically the truck would be signalling a RH turn onto Church road (of which you would have to give way as you won't know at the time that they are wanting to enter Mays road) and then signal a Left turn into Mays (still of which you would need to give way)

The second intersection answer is yes and no. Yes cars on the main road have right of way to those entering to road from side roads or driveways, but not if they are turning off the main road ie right turn from Mt Smart road into Felix. The left turning vehicle from Mt Smart road into Felix have right of way whether they come from further down the road or the BP.