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Hi there, There is a very dangerous snd confusing junctuon in Takapuna atvyhe traffic light controlled intesection at Fred Thomas Dive and Taharoto Road. Turning right into Fred Thomas Drive is supposedly controlled by the lights and backed up with road markings. Both the lights and road markings show a right hand turn but the lights and road markings are so far back from the junction that it appears the road markingcsnd lights are controlling the roadway to a church driveway. This needs to be attended to with a degree of urgency as I found myself completely in the wrong at the junction through the bad signage. Fortunately no accident ensued but there will be one if not already. Can you look into this for me. Kind regards, Dave Mason


Hi Dave,
Auckland Transport will be your best point of contact for this type of query: call 09 3553553 for general roading and street light enquiries.


Hi Cade, firstly apologies for the typos in my original message! That’s iPhone for you! I have been in contact with Auckland Council with all details and I heard from them this morning that the issue is being investigated. I certainly hope they sort it out before someone is hurt. Thanks for your advice. Dave


Hi Cade, firstly apologies for the typos in my original message! That’s iPhone for you! I have been in contact with Auckland Council with all details and I heard from them this morning that the issue is being investigated. I certainly hope they sort it out before someone is hurt. Thanks for your advice. Dave