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I would like some advice on the following situation. I am approaching a T intersection with a give way sign for me. There is no traffic from the left - clear road. On the right is a single lane that briefly becomes two lanes. Left hand lane is straight ahead, RH lane is right turn only (into the road I am waiting at). From the intersection onwards this single lane on my left becomes 2 lanes (on my right as I am at the intersection). There is a car coming along towards the intersection from my left. It has not indicated to turn right (which would cross my path). There is no traffic in front of the car on my left, so I proceed through the intersection and into the right-hand lane, leaving the left-hand lane free for the approaching car. Very soon after I am pulled over and given an infringement notice for "Failed to Give Way When Turning - Other Vehicle Not Turning". Can you please explain why this is an offence - the other vehicle and I were in different lanes.


Hi there,
If I read this correct, the approaching driver is coming from one lane and has the choice on the other side of the intersection of two lanes? So effectively the "Give way" controlled driver has to give way as the lane split is not two and two directly. So in other words, the approaching driver could infact cross your path if it was choosing to be in the right lane. At the time of the infringement, it may be seen that you had no way of determining which lane the approaching car would take and hence you were to give way. If it was a multi-lane round about it may be a different story.