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I brought a 2006 BMW from a dealership 14 mo ago. It had a 12mo warranty on it. Since then it’s been in the repair shop about 20% of the time I’ve owned it. Once it came back from a repair with no oil and recently it’s come back with an oil leak it didn’t have prior to going in. Breakdowns are too frequent. What are my rights? Have I owned it too long to do anything? It’s only got 110,000km on the clock.


Hi there,
It would need to be determined if the vehicle is defective or the workmanship of those undertaking the repairs. Having no oil or a new leak, sound like the shop could be more at fault than the dealer who sold it.
If the vehicle has proven to be faulty beyond what is considered reasonable for the age, mileage, price paid, then you could have a discussion with the seller. Have you kept the seller in the loop with regards to issues and giving the dealer first right of remedy?
More information can be found here:


Thanks for your reply. The workshop that it’s been in to is part of the dealership, it’s the only place I’ve taken it so they know all about it’s history. It’s only done 110k.