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Is it legal to keep a boat/trailer parked on a residential (no time limits) street, providing it displays the number plate and a current registration label?
(and providing not parked within legal distance of a driveway, fire hydrant, stop/give way, ped crossing etc.)
Does it have to have current WOF?
If makes any difference - it's a 5m trailer-sailor boat.
Hi there, in accordance with the Road User Rule it looks like you can so for no longer than 7 days, and it would have to have a current wof and reg to avoid any infringements.
6.19 Parking trailers on roadway
(1) Except with the written permission of the road controlling
authority given for a specified trailer, and in compliance with
any conditions imposed by the road controlling authority in
giving that permission, a person must not park a trailer on a
roadway for a period exceeding 7 days.
we had a problem with neighbours parking and leaving vehicles outside of our property (with WOF and current Rego), I was informed by a Lower Hutt City council parking warden that motor vehicles as described must not remain standing for more than 7 days, otherwise, they will be issued with a parking ticket.
Whilst it's not legal, in my street each house has a carpark directly outside and the unwritten rule is, that it's your carpark - you mow the berm, you sweep the footpath and keep the area spick and span, you pay the exorbitant rates -it's your carpark. I've put my boat trailer in my carpark (my cars are in my carport) and haven't had any issues. Until now. Today someone screen shot this thread, printed it out and put a copy on my car windscreen in my carport and attached another to my boat trailer. Clearly to make the point that I wasn't legally allowed to park the trailer where it is. I would argue though that as it doesn't affect anyone else (no one should be parking in the space outside my house) that the neighborly thing to do is let it be. If you have a problem at least knock on the door and politely explain how the trailer affects you specifically. I noted 3 other trailers parked semi permanently in the neighboring st and noticed that you hadn't put any notes on these. Anyway if you do come back to this thread (mr/mrs anonymous), rest assured I'm not moving the trailer for you and if I see you putting notes on my car or trailer again, I'll be putting some on yours too.