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So a few months ago I pulled up to reverse into a park, in the time of pulling up and reversing a taxi pulled I behind me and parked in a freeway (business driveway) and I reversed into it. I was checking my mirrors and at no point saw him pull up behind me. They have sent me a bill to cover the cost of the car and claimed that I am automatically liable as I was the one reversing. They have told me the only way to dispute this, or be provided with proof if they believe it is my fault is to take it to court. Am I automatically liable for this? as he pulled in behind me and stopped in the freeway as I went to reverse (assuming that was when he pulled in as there was no other time he could've).


Hi there,
The reversing vehicle must ensure that the way is clear throughout the complete manoeuvre and in 99% of cases responsible if they crash into a stationary vehicle. If both were moving then it could sometimes be seen as a split liability if insurance companies get involved.