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I recently, at the end of May, got a $200 notice as my WOF was out of date. Hadn't realised it was out of date...All good, paid the fine, got my WOF sorted.
Then a few weeks ago I got a letter from a debt collecting agency saying I needed to pay $200. I chase it up and it turns out that I had been issued an infringement notice at the beginning of May for the same offence.
Now I did not have any ticket on my windscreen and was completely unaware that this notice had been issued. Do I have to pay it??


Hi there,
As an extra from the windscreen notice, after 28 days you should receive a reminder notice before the infringement gets past to the debt collection agency. I would query as to why you didn't get the reminder, and wasn't aware you even had the infringement. As what address the reminder was sent to, I've had parking tickets cancelled this way as the reminders had been sent to a wrong address. But this was before they had gone to the debt collection agent. Wof infringements are harsher because it is a vehicle safety/ legal requirement, and you may still not get out of it easily.