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Hi there,

I recently got a WOF on my car and after some repairs the car passed. However, the garage did not put the WOF sticker on my windscreen and I've only just realised a month later - is this something that's part of the service or do I have to pay to get the WOF done again?



If the same garage that failed the wof, carried out the repairs then they should have carried out the re-check and put a new sticker.
If you took it to a separate garage to carryout the repairs, you have 28 days with which to get it back to the inspection centre for a free re-check. Any later then you will need to pay for a whole new inspection.


Thanks Cade.

It was the same garage yes - and as well as not putting the sticker on it looks like they didn't actually update their systems that the car had passed at all as it says on the NZTA website my car isn't registered with a valid WOF. I have the paperwork saying it passed but looks like they've not done any of the admin on their side.

I actually only noticed as I got a parking infringement last week for not having a valid WOF sticker - is that something that the garage should cover as well as they failed to fully cover all parts of the WOF service? Going to contact them to get it sorted but just want to know where the liability lies.

Any help you could give would be great.




Yes I definitely would be asking questions about reimbursement as they have failed to complete the job in a number of ways and now caused an infringement.


Great, thanks for your help.