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I recently witnessed a small accident between 2 friends and we aren't quite sure who's at fault. It was in the evening and person A drove into the car park and didn't realise person B was behind them. After pulling into a park, person A put their car into reverse to straighten up. Person B didn't move backwards or toot the horn and Person A didn't see their car in the wing mirror and missed the head lights. Person A's car hit the front of Persons B car but didn't cause much damage. Neither car was turned off and neither driver had exited the vehicle before this happened. This is happened in the space of about 2 minutes. Person A believes both drivers are at fault and Person B believes person A is solely responsible. Who is right?


Driver A should ensure it the way is clear when backing the car, additionally if driver B was stationary the were not controlling the vehicle. If the damage is minor it could be better for driver A to work with driver B to work out a economical solution and maintain their friendship.

I would say driver A is responsible.

Its a tricky situation as it sounds like you are in the middle perhaps other members have some advice for you too.