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Hi, my son bought a used bmw from a licenced car yard on 2nd feb 2017. They gave him a 3 month warranty (which has ended now) but we have discovered a month ago there is a leak somewhere and the back passenger floor is wet , originally we thought a freind spilt something but I have discovered today there it is still wet and there is water in the battery compartment and growing white mould on the leather seats. Also the front tyres are wearing out on the inside so looks like it needs a wheel aliegnment. Can we ask the dealer to fix this free or even ask for our money back?


Hi there,
When buying a vehicle from a dealer, you have a guarantee under the Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) from the dealer, which means that the vehicle must meet certain standards, but also taking into consideration the vehicle age, mileage, condition, and price paid. The less time owned, the newer the vehicle, higher the price, the less acceptable faults become. A reasonable time is 3 months from date of purchase, after that it can be argued that it is or is not reasonable for this vehicle (taking into account the above factors) to have this kind of problem. The CGA has no expiry, but its reach gets less with time.
Follow this link for more information.
There are remedies associated which depends on the nature of the faults (serious vs non-serious)and if the dealer is willing to repair or replace.