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I just bought a used car from a dealer, in the AA inspection the Suspension was flag as having a knocking noise. The dealer repaired other issues I highlighted to him, we did really talk about the Suspension replacement.
Now i have taken delivery of the car and the suspension will need replacing as the knocking is getting worse.
I understand that I cannot assume the dealer will pay for the repairs, but How do I approach him to remedy the issue? Do i have any footing to stand on to ask him to repair the suspension or pay some part of the repair??


Hi there,
In this case because you have only just purchased the vehicle, you have every right to take the vehicle back and ask the dealer to remedy the problem. Their obligation under the CGA (consumer guarantees act) is to repair as they see fit.
Just call the selling dealer and tell them that you have a suspension issue that needs attention and you would like them to take a look.


Followup question is that what do I do if he refuses to make any repairs?
Or to pay part of the repairs that AA will do?
Do I then have to take him to a tribunal / hearing ect?
Looking for the least resistance path here.


Hi there,
You must give the dealer first right of repair, so do nothing until you have asked the dealer and they will tell you where to take the vehicle. Don't get the repairs done, and then hand the dealer a bill unless they have authorised it.
If they don't want to repair the vehicle, and you feel they are responsible, then you may have to pay for the repairs and seek retribution through the tribunal.
More information can be found here: