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My car is most likely have a head gasket problem, and because i have water contaminating my oil, there might be more problems to it, any suggestions of what is the cheapest way to fix it? I am too poor to afford any financing to buy a new car apparently, i've been told that changing the motors might be the best way, but is there any other way to fix it?


Hi there,
Unfortunately if the vehicle has a leaking head gasket problem, there is no easy/ cheap repair that will last. It might be better to actually have the gasket replaced rather than fit a second hand engine, as it might just do the same thing. This would also depend on the condition of the engine you have, and whether if it had been overheated ect. A garage should be able to give estimates on both the fix and replace.


Do you have any mobile services that can fo full diagnosis to my car without bringing it to the garage? If i get it towed for full diagnostic and get a quote that I can't afford will they tow my car back to home?


Do you have any mobile services that can fo full diagnosis to my car without bringing it to the garage? If i get it towed for full diagnostic and get a quote that I can't afford will they tow my car back to home?


The AA has only a breakdown service to get your vehicle to a place of repair, they will not take the vehicle back home after being at the shop. You may want to look up a mobile mechanic in your area to come and take a look.