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Can you please give me a ball park figure for replacing the cam belt (and the water pump) on my 1996 Toyota Corolla.
I've used the same garage for servicing for many years and have been notified of very few repair requirements during this time. The place now has a new owner and my first service under his management has apparently turned up two serious defects in need of urgent attention (the cam belt being one). I don't mind paying but I can't help but wonder whether he's "trying it on" a bit, since I've had previous experience of this phenomenon. Knowing whether he's inflated his quote for the cam belt change will help me decide. Thank you.


Hi there,
A cam belt for your car would be due for replacement at around 100km or ten years, and then it should be replaced again at 200k or 20 years, along with the water pump. As there would be a high chance of leakage after the second cam belt, and you would have to do the complete job again just to replace the pump.
I would expect the replacement to be around the $600-700 mark. But is dependant of parts costs and genuine vs aftermarket.


Thank you, Very quick and very helpful.