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Our car recently ground to a halt on SH1. It was towed back to where it was originally bought from and where it was regularly serviced apart from on two occasions when it was serviced elsewhere. For about two years we had noticed a whine at the rear of the car which both these service people were aware of. One put the noise down to tyres (which we changed - still noise!) and the other to the transmission. The people who thought it was the transmission said to just 'live with it'.
The actual fault was that the differential had no oil in it and there was no sign of leakage which suggests that the people who serviced it drained the oil but did not replace it. How do we go about getting compensation as no one will accept responsibility?


Hi there,
You would need to go through your service records and see where it is written that the workshop changed the fluid or at least stated that they checked the level. This will form the basis of a claim that may end up being settled in a tribunal. But you will need to prove that someone has stated they changed the fluid or checked the levels as part of the servicing process.