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Hey we took the car up the mountain yesterday when coming down she started to speradically blow out bits of blue smoke when I had my foot on the accelerater.( it smelt like rubber) Once stopping and waiting a few minutes and starting again it stopped and hasn't appeared since. What should we do?


Hi there,
This is quite a common problem with older vehicles, I have especially experienced it in Toyotas. It potentially can be the vehicle showing it's age.
It means that some seals on the inside of the engine are warn, and while the engine in
overrunning down a hill for example, oil is getting drawn into the engine and burnt when you accelerate.
This causes a puff of smoke you see, it's more a sign of old age, and may not necessarily mean you need to rush out and get something fixed, as engine work will be costly.
But if you are worried, got and get a technician to look at it and confirm.