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I purchased a 2009 Mazda MPV from a dealer in July 2015. I have recently had a full service done by the AA at Panmure. They found a number of issues. The most concerning is that they noted the car is fitted with four snow tyres. I was completely unaware of this, nor was I told by the dealer. I have read information that using snow tyres is very dangerous in non-alpine conditions and they have caused accidents. Can you please tell me if this is correct, as i am taking my family away for a road trip in mid January. Do I need to change all of the tyres? Do I have any recourse with the dealer? Please also note that the vehicle received a certification from the AA, which is also concerning.

They also found that the vehicle needed an auto trans flush, which should have been done after 60,000 to 70,000 km, but clearly had not been done when I got the vehicle as it had done 79,000 at that stage and I have only done another 2000 km since purchasing. Is their any recourse for this?




Hi there,
Snow tyres are not ideal, however they are legal still in NZ. There is not usually any reason anyone would specifically note down the fact that snow tyres are fitted, the dealer would say they are just tyres.
I would not be happy travelling on snow tyres and would replace them soon. They also have a higher legal tread depth requirement and would possibly need replacement soon anyway.
Service history of vehicles are not always easy to know, and sometimes the only way to know condition of all the fluids is when the vehicle is sent for a service.
Neither of these items are cause for recourse.