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I had an engine replacement 2 years ago in my Mazda Bongo motorhome. Last month I heard gearbox noises and took it to a gearbox specialist. When they removed the gearbox they found that it did not have a clutch spigot bearing installed . On further inspection they found the clutch had worn in an irregular pattern and the two main drive shaft bearings in the gearbox had shattered. They said this was due to a missing clutch spigot bearing. There was no other damage or worn parts in the gearbox.

I contacted the garage ( an AA franchise garage) who replaced my engine and they said that a missing bearing would not cause any clutch problems or damage the drive shaft bearing, they dispute my claim that the damage is their fault, they have not yet agreed that it was their mechanic who forgot to install the spigot even though they are the only ones to have removed my engine. Can you tell me does a missing clutch spigot damage the clutch and/or drive shaft bearings?? I understand that the spigot is only used when changing gear but with no spigot an engaged clutch could become out of centre causing damage to the gearbox bearing. Your help in this matter would be much appreciated especially as it is an AA Garage who did thee engine replacement.


Hi There,
Could you please email us on with your vehicle details and km's since engine replacement. And also a copy of the gearbox report if you have one, thanks.