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I have a "slightly leaking head gasket" on my 1996 Nissan Lucino Bb. How much does it cost me to get it fixed? Does it pay of at all, I will leave the country soon and have only about another 2000-2200km to go? Or is a chemical additive a solution, as I don't mind a temporary one? I don't have much money so everything over 600$ would be over budget, anyway.
Thanks in advance
PS.: I didn't have an problems with overheating yet, no coolant in the oil and hardly any oil in the water. Just noticed it because the coolant level was low and the radiator is bubbling.


To repair this properly, it would cost considerably more than $600, in fact, probably more than twice that amount.
The additives you can buy at Repco etc are really just a band-aid, temporary repair.
While the symptoms you mention would suggest a blown head gasket, I'd still recommend having a mechanic carry out some professional diagnosis (ie; a Tee Kay test and pressure test). This will cost a few dollars, but at least it will give you an idea of what you're dealing with.


Yes I had it checked by a mechanic and he basically suggested to simply refill regularly and hope I will make to Auckland, cause it wouldn't be worth the costs. As I'm not to happy about driving a ticking bomb I thought about getting it fixed, but yeah, guess it won't happen. Thanks, tho