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I've recently purchased a set of adjustable suspension for my car (coil over suspension).

Now I know I need to have this modification certified, my question is, where can i get this done, what should i expect to pay, & what is actually involved in this process?

Many Thanks


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 14 December 2009


Firstly, its great you are asking the question. There are some out there who carry out such modifications without any idea of what they are doing or give a thought for their own anyone else's safety.

We suggest you make direct contact with the Low Volume Vehicle Association on

You will find further links to a certifier in your area who can advise with more authority and experience.

Good luck - let me know how the process worked.


So do or can i install them myself then he checks them for safety? Or does the certifier have to install the suspension?


No, you can carry out the work yourself but its best the certifier gets involved from the start and knows exactly what modifications are being done.

It’s hard to sign off any modifications once the job is totally finished.