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Hi there,
I'm looking at buying my first car and have been learning in a Subaru Lancaster, which I find to be a very comfortable smooth car to drive. In terms of buying my first car everyone seems to have advice as to what I should or shouldn't do and it is hard to find an unbiased opinion. Once I have the car I plan to go on a lengthy trip around the country (6 months +), therefore I want a roomy station wagon. As I am also a relatively new driver and will be going on roads of varying condition I think it would be best to get a 4WD. After many months of looking at cars I'm thinking of buying either a 2L Subaru Legacy or a 2.5L Lancaster/Outback (I realise the fuel consumption may be slightly greater with the latter but I do prefer the height and softer suspension). This decision has provoked mixed response from people I tell, a common point among those against Subarus is that they have more faults than other cars. Obviously a 4WD will have higher fuel costs and different parts to repair than a 2WD, which I am prepared for. Can you please tell me if it is true that earlier Subarus with higher mileage have more problems than other 4WD cars of the same age/mileage? Due to it being my first car I am looking at those between $2-3k so the age will be somewhere from 1996-2000 and mileage 130-230k


I'm inclined to agree with the advice others have given you. A $2-$3k Subaru wagon is likely to turn into an expensive headache.
I think your desire to purchase a reliable 4WD/AWD wagon in this price range is a little optomistic.
Perhaps look for a smaller, more mainstream car if this is your budget.