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Hi there, just wanting a bit of advice when I talk to the toyota garage tomorrow.
I noticed over the last week the temperature guage on my toyota liteace 1994 was slightly higher than normal - it usually sits just below the half way mark. The first time I noticed it I was in the middle of nowhere and switched on the heater and kept driving. The temp guage needle didnt go any further than slightly above (and only just) than the half way mark. turning on the heater seemed to help it drop to half way. I didnt think it was serious as the needle only went up slightly...but I knew i should get it checked. on my next trip i then drove another hour - needle on half way - not above.
a couple days later i drove to reputable toyota garage (one hour drive), same thing needle on mid way mark, drove with heater on. Previous to this over the last 3 years temp guage has ALWAYS been slightly below half way- steady all the time. So i booked in for a warrant (which it passed no probs except brake pads). Van has always gone very well, very good condition and purrs along! anyway I also talked to them saying i thought it was overheating as it was very unusual that the temp guage would go above the half way mark, VERY UNUSUAL and it just seemed the engine felt hotter than normal as its in the passenger area. So they did the warrant. I asked them to do a service if it needed it - they checked all the levels oil/water and said everything was good - no need for a service. and I asked them to investigate the temp guage slightly above/possible overheating scenario - they came back to me and said they had checked it, everything seemed fine, temp guage going up and down is normal so dont worry about it. they checked radiator said it was clear. also as far as they could tell from the visual inspection there was no problems whatsoever and No indication that I should be worried or have further checks done.
So i leave the garage and drive 60kms, where i fill up with petrol. At the service station, as soon as i turn off the key i hear a sound from the engine (later i am told this is boiling water). and as i am filling up, i notice a lot of greenish fluid running out from under the enginee. I get a mechanic at the service to have a look at things. He initially states that the engine is really hot./boiling. and its too hot to actually check to see if the thermostate is working prop as he couldnt get to it. he said the 'water was bubbling/overflowing into the reservoir. it appears to be overheating but not showing on guage. Air bubbles into reservoir". I then called the oriignal garage that i had just come from and told them. They said they could come and pick up the van and have a look what the prob is at my expense.....charging me for petrol fro 2 x 60km trips, hire of a trailer to put van on, and labour costs for person to pick it up (they later dropped labour costs as a concession as i had just come from their garage to sort out possible overheating prob!).
Anyway that is what happened. the word possible head gasket and was mentioned by the mechanic who looked at it when it overflowed, and alos from the guy who was coming to pick it up on a trailer said if it was head gasket the maximum repair cost could be up to $1500.
What I am wanting to know is: I took it to the garage to get possible overheating prob checked. Was given the 'ok' by them saying no evidence of overheating. 60kms later there is water pouring out of the engine when it stops.... obviously something is pretty bad!!!....If it is a head gasket- is there a chance that when i took it to the garage it was a minor prob...and due to poor checking of things like is the thermostat working (which it obviously wasnt because its never gone on the red even when it was boiling!) that massive problems were caused on the 60km trip from the garage?? I am just wanting some help as tomorrow they are going to diagnose the van! and give me estimate of fix costs....
if i am hit with a head gasket bill or anything else I have a legal standpoint here....from taking it to the garage with an overheating problem, them checking it, mechanic giving me incorrect info saying everything is fine, then 60kms later massive problems! and a bill for trailer hire, petrol, more labour diagnosis costs and possible repairs of up to $1500? Seems a bit wrong as that was what i was taking van into check. and prior to that 60km trip there was no boiling water sounds or leaking from overflow pipe.
so tomorrow i find out the diagnosis....but i just wanted to know where i legally stand with this...and it seems a bit negligent on their behalf....and i wonder if the major damage was caused in 60 km drive and if i am hit with head gasket costs etc what come back do i have?...... who should i contact to help me with this.....and what possible things can i say to mechanic/toyota garage to voice my case if i am hit with a large bill.

thanks so much for reading this. any help is appreciated :)


The vehicle had a problem prior to taking it into the garage for a diagnosis - and you had driven the vehicle with this problem.

It seems in this case that the only thing the dealer has possibly done wrong is not finding the problem when checking it - whether it is a head gasket, radiator, cooling fan, water pump or thermostat problem. These problems can be difficult to diagnose at times, especially when it is an intermittent fault, and without removing components to investigate further, which is time consuming and costly, it isn't always easy to give a diagnosis – the important thing to remember in this case is that the dealer hasn't caused the problem and from your description it seems the heat gauge is operating as it was when you took the vehicle in for the initial diagnosis and this would indicate that the problem hasn't got worse.

A head gasket failure is common with overheating issues but hopefully in your case it's only a sticking thermostat or blocked radiator.