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Recently I had a horrible experience with my little 1995 RAV4. I had been using it without any trouble, and then, on pulling away from a park the vehicle just felt - wrong. Really, really wrong. Because of traffic I had to drive about half a block before I could pull over to see what was wrong. Then I discovered the centre diff lock button on the dash had somehow been accidently bumped in and because of bright sunlight I missed seeing the warning light in the dash. It seems no serious damage was done thank goodness, but I decided to pull the fuse when I got home to disable it as I hardly ever use it. Naturally it was never going to be that simple. The same fuse has the power rail for all the dashboard warning lights on it. Ah-ha, I thought. Time for a little cunning. I popped the button out of the dash, meaning to take a wire off it and tape up the connector. Not quite so tidy but doable. Nope! There five (count them - 5!) wires on a plug that goes into the back of the switch. Now I am left with leaving the plug on its wires dangling down inside the dash with no guarantee I will be able to get at it in a hurry should I ever actually need to use it again. After all that rant, can I ask if anyone knows of a better way to ensure that if I accidentally bump the button in again it will not engage the centre diff lock unless I expressly intend for it to? My grateful thanks to anyone who can offer any thoughts on this matter.


Hi Peter.disconnect it on the transfer case side which should be easier.