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Hello there,

Have recently changed my Honda Civic 2006 Sport Bearings for right front couple of weeks ago. Earlier could hear some noises while running the car and now this is bit louder, could find my breaks shaking when applied break and noises as well. I went back to mechanic and advised there was nothing he could found.

From the day my bearings were changed my milage dropped about 40 - 60 lit / tank. Could you advise what could have the mec had done.


If your mechanic says there's nothing wrong, perhaps you should get a second opinion from another mechanic.
Generally speaking, if wheel bearings needed replacing because they were noisy, the noise will disappear with the new bearings. If the brakes are now shaking (and weren't before), this is likely to be a problem with a brake disc that's running out of true or been damaged. For a brake noise to appear would be unusual, although anything's possible.
As for the fuel consumption, I find it hard to imagine that it would increase unless the brakes were binding or something major has gone wrong with the job, which would have been easy for the mechanic to spot when you took the car back.
As I said, if you're getting no help from the original mechanic, perhaps a second opinion might be advisable. It would pay to notify the first mechanic that this is your intention, as in the event of a problem, you might be seeking costs from him.
Don't get the second mechanic to do any expensive repairs - only get him to provide an opinion if possible. In the event of a problem, under the Consumer Guarantees Act, you need to give the first guy the opportunity to put the problem right.


Thanks for your valuable advise. Will go back and check with first mec the first thing in the morning.