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Two days ago I had my car parked outside with the shutters down and unfortunately it all got wet inside since I completely forgot about it while raining. Even though it looks dry now , in the mornings it all fogs up inside despite having the heater on. Please let me know the best way to rectify this. If there are any products I could use please keep me informed.Thanks in advance.


You really need to remove the moisture from the atmsphere inside the car. Ideally, if you can get a dehumidifier in the car, this would be the best option. Otherwise, some sort of dry heat source such as fan heaters in the car work fairly well.
Having said that, you say you've been trying to demist with the heater, but on damp mornings such as we have had recently, you'll also need to have the air-conditioning running as the heater radiator will have moisture on it, so when you turn the heater on you are just blowing steam onto the windscreen. So if you are not already, run the heater with a/c on.