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We have a noise when we drive off! ! it is like a vibrating which only last a couple of minutes but is of concern and it concerns us as it makes a noise. We have had two mechanics look at this and find that thay do not know what it is. Have you come accross this at all as we would really like it to go away.
Hope you can help us. Thanks Ann


When you say the vibration is there for a couple of minutes when you drive off, do you mean every time you drive off from traffic lights etc, or only when the car drives off from cold?
I suspect the latter, as a couple of minutes is a long time and in town, and in stop/start traffic, it would be there all the time.
If it is only doing it when cold, perhaps there's a misfire, faulty spark plug, HT lead etc.
If it's happening at other times, it may be a driveline problem (eg; CV joint, transmission, engine mount etc).
If the mechanics have had trouble finding it, is that because the problem is intermittent?
Perhaps if you could provide a little more detail, we may be able to make some further suggestions.


It appears to be there only when we drive off in the first / second gear. once the car is warm it is not as bad or not there at all. The mechanics from two different places have heard the noise but cannot track where it is coming from. That's all we can tell you we hope you can come up wioth some ideas. It does make a bit of vibrating noise !!!! and we really would like to get it sorted. Ann

The car is automatic.


If it is only doing it from cold, I'd be checking the ignition system first. As I said previously, it could be a spark plug, HT lead, connector or something along those lines. Obviously, there are other possibilities, but I'd start with the basic and inexpensive items first - making sure the engine isn't misfiring when it is cold.


Thanks but these have been checked.the vibration is a noise /rattle. one guy thought it may be the silver plate on top of the engine ? but !!! would it by any chance be in the exhaust system ? We have been out this morning and it was fine but it will be back.!!! Just thought you may have had this question before. Ann


OK, so it seems that we might be talking at cross purposes, and perhaps your mechanics haven't properly understood what you want them to identify. Sorry to be pedantic, but you might need to narow down the description (ie; is it a vibration, knock, rattle, loud, tinny, clonky, etc). If the mechanic thinks it's a heat shield, I wouldn't call that a vibration.
Perhaps, the best option would be to leave the car with the mechanic overnight and go to his premises to road-test the vehicle with him in the morning from cold.
In short, yes it could be the exhause, but it could be a myriad of other things too. I'm sure your mechanic will be able to identify it if he is able to hear it. It doesn't sound like something particular to the Terios, but maybe something loose or worn.


The two mechanics have heard the noise and still did not have answer. One of them is an older guy who spend over an hour free of charge looking but could not have an answer. Do you have any thoughts on what could cause the noise. Thnaks for your time.


Unfortunately, if your mechanic can't pinpoint the noise having heard it, it's very difficult for us to make a diagnosis from afar. As I said before, it could be any one of a myriad of things - the exhaust, a heat shield, the water pump, alternator, a/c compressor, transmission, engine mount - anything really. Sorry we can't be of much more help.
Perhaps you need to get an opinion from another mechanic.