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Hi, What year is cvt considered problematic pre? Also, what sort of dollars are involved with a repair - more than $500? Also, are there any quality aftermarket trans fluids as the OEM Nissan product is expensive? We currently have a reliable cvt, tiptronic 2002 due for servicing. Thanks.


There is no date to refer to but as a generalisation we would say vehicles up to mid 2000 and fitted with CVT transmissions don't have the best reputations (there are some exceptions) but the verdict isn't out as yet on newer models even though we are led to believe that reliability has improved over the years - time will tell. In most cases the parts to repair CVTs isn't available and therefore the complete gearbox needs replacing which will cost a few thousand dollars (new). The genuine CVT fluid will be the better option, and we recommend you use the genuine fluid, even though it is more expensive but if you do opt for alternative oil then you should ensure the oil grade/specification is exactly the same as the genuine fluid.