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Dear advisor,

For a 1-litre Japanese car of 2001, may I know the likely cost (including GST)of handbrake adjustment please? If the rear brake pads need replacement, how much would it cost in labour and parts? Cheers. Thanks very much.


It's very dependent on make/model, type of braking system and exactly what is wrong. If it's merely a cable adjustment, it won't cost much at all as it's only about 1/4 hour labour, so maybe $20 - $25.
It will also depend on whether the car has drum or disk brakes and the condition of the pads or shoes, as well as the cost of those, should they need replacing.
The best advice would be to run the car into the workshop and get the mechanic to have a very quick look. He will quickly be able to determine all the things I've mentioned and give you an indication of price.


Thanks ABayliss for your helpful and valuable advice!