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I'm new on here, and new to CRVs. A little over two weeks ago I bought a 1997 CRV from a dealer. It has about 4 months left on the wof and was last serviced in August 2012. Its in really great condition and is a 4 speed auto transmission.
The brake rotors have just been "done" and I noticed that there was a funny sort of "tink tink" noise when braking. Could this noise just be the rotors just wearing in after having been done?

I would like to be reassured that this noise will eventually stop and that everything is fine, or is it something that needs further investigation.
There is a three month MTA warranty on the car, so will this be covered if it needs brake repairs or replacement of discs pads or linings etc?
I look forward to any thoughts you may have on this matter and thought I'd just get a second opinion before taking it back in for a check.

Cheers, Dot


The "tink tink" sound you are hearing sounds more like a anti-rattle clip/plate that is not fitted correctly. When the rotors are machined there is a sound that can be heard when braking but this is due to the brake pads working on a newly machined surface - but it isn't the same sound you are describing and it should've cleared after two-weeks. You should contact the selling dealer with your concerns and have them diagnose the problem. The dealer should cover the costs.


Thank you for your reply, I will get it checked out if it continues past this month. I do suspect that it is the rotors on the pads as you suggest. My son says it sounds more like a hooting noise when braking, his hearing is a lot better than mine, so we both hear a slightly different sound lol! I may only be hearing the higher tones.
The noise has gotten a bit less, so perhaps it will just gradually fade away in time.

Cheers :-)