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I have a 1999 Nissan Stagea RS and have an intermittent yellow dashboard "engine block" warning light activating, If I stop and restart the engine the warning light does not show on the dashboard, (until next time which may be almost immediately or after many kms. My question is, what is the purpose of that particular warming light and what fault should it be warning of. Many Thanks.


This light would be indicating there is a fault with the engine management system, possibly one of the sensors is faulty and supplying incorrect readings to the computer. You need to take the vehicle to a mechanic to have it checked out. By connecting the diagnostic computer the mechanic should be able to identify a possible cause and advise you accordingly. The fault code will be stored in the computer.


I know you asked this a while ago, but I thought I would add my 2cents as I also have this model Stagea, and had the same problem and I'm sure others will have this problem too.
There is a very common problem with this Nissan engine. It is almost certainly a fault with the ignition coils. Dont muck around trying to get each one tested to find a faulty one, just spend the dollars and get a new set. As it is mostly an intermittent fault, it is very hard to find a faulty one. Believe me, I spent two years of to-ing and fro-ing with the mechanics to find THE faulty coil and in the end had them all replaced anyway.
There is no need to spend the big bucks on Nissan coils these days as there are plenty of aftermarket coil sets on the market.
I suggest you find a reasonable mechanic who knows about these Nissan faults and purchase your own set of coils if they diagnose this as the problem.
Good luck.