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Hi, I rented a car on Friday with *** rentals in queenstown, and during the first day the silver plate on the left side of tyre flew out while I was on a 70 km rd, lucky it didn't hit any incoming cars. We picked up the plate and found there is a small tear/break on the pate edge. We found the other 3 plates had these small wires holding the plates onto the tires. I called the rental company the next day and they are charging me $39 when I return the car because its under the $350 excess insurance. What should I do? I believe there is already faults on the plate, thus the wires, and its part of the wears and tears and should be covered by their warranty? I didn't have any accident it just flew out. Please give me some advice as I am returning the car on Monday. Thanks.


I assume you are referring to the hubcaps for the wheel rims? It sounds like the other three wheels have cable ties already fitted to them to prevent them from coming off - it has possibly happened before. If this is the case you should argue this fact. It is a difficult one to prove that you have not hit something which could've caused the wheel cap to come off but it is definitely worth discussing with them. Assuming you inspected the vehicle before taking it; was there any damage (scratches, cracks,.) to the hubcap on this wheel? If there was it would help your cause. Discuss the matter with the rental company and hopefully they can waiver the fee otherwise you will need to pay the $39.