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Dear advisor,

I have the more than occasional difficulty in engaging my first gear in my 2001 Suzuki Alto (137,000 km). When I step the clutch pedal and engage first gear (after waiting about 2 or 3 seconds), it engages easily. However, when I try and engage the gear very soon (about 1 second) after stepping on the clutch pedal, it doesn't get into gear. I'll then need to try once or twice more before 1st gear engages.

Do these symptoms mean that my gearbox needs adjustment? Or do the symptoms mean my clutch is faulty or wearing out?

Thanks for your valuable advice.



The fault could be from the gearbox or the clutch but in this case it is more than likely the clutch causing the problem. You need to get a mechanic to inspect the vehicle and ensure the clutch and gear linkages are adjusted correctly. Also ensure the gearbox oil is of good quality and correctly filled.