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I have a 2001 mazda sp20 with 80000 ks, i have had no problems with it in 5 years but recently when i have been cruising along and take my foot off accelerator to let engine slow naturally instead of braking and it sometimes sounds like its going to stall , plus a couple of times it has stalled when i come to a stand still and put it into N or P, i get oiled and filter changed ever 10000, i do run it alot of the time on 91(which is what garage told me when i bought it ) some one told me they think it should be 95 ? ,.i have'nt had spark plugs done for a while any ideas ?


Possibly, one of the intake pipes has a leak which can cause the same symptoms. If some of the air bypasses the airflow meter, due to a faulty pipe, it can cause the faults you have described due to an incorrect airflow reading.

Other possibilities are a faulty airflow meter, low fuel pressure or the vehicle could need new service items such as the spark plugs and air-filter.

My information states this car should run on RON 95 octane petrol or higher.


Check the intake pipe from the airbox to the throttle for cracks. Get the spark plugs changed - these are a service item which should be changed every 30,000km as per the service schedule.

You could also try some MAF clean spray on the air flow meter.

Also as said, it should only be run on 95 octane