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Hi,Can you help me with my 02 AU3 Falcon Tickford XR6 starting problem. Cold starts are ok. Hot starts are all so ok but if i stop the car hot or cold and go into a shop or get petrol eg 1-10 minutes stop time then get in she wont start.
The motor will turn over and usually fire but thats it, then i stop turning over and turn her over again and she starts.
If im away from the car for at least 30 min no problems starting.
I have just had it into my local Ford dealer for a service and they checked it out and said they cleaned the throttle as body was full of carbon.
But its still the same, any ideas.


Problems such as this can often be very hard to pinpoint, but it sounds fuel related, perhaps due to a faulty temperature sensor.
You don't say how many kilometres the car has done, but leaking injectors can also be a problem on high mileage cars and have been known to cause similar problems. However, generally this will cause problems whenever the engine is hot, not only after a few minutes standing.
Sorry we can't be more specific, but there are numerous possibilities.


Hi it has done 150,000km, i do many hot running each day to work (approx 180km day open road), have had injector cleaners through it and run it on 95 octane although have just changed over to BP 98 as its hard to get 95 here (its usually closed when i need petrol, also i get 8.8l per 100 km from 98 and 9.2l per 100km on 95.)
The problem has been there for a while now and seems to be getting worse on the starts but it purrs along while driving with no problems.
Hope that helps


The km's are not particularly high and it returns fairly good fuel economy. Sorry to say there's nothing that particularly springs to mind as being a common problem. Maybe someone else out there has experienced something similar and might be able to make some suggestions??


Ok, thanks.