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I have a 1993 Mazda Familia which was very smooth until 2 month ago.

In the early morning or late afternoon when the ambient temperature is very low, the car wobbling when start up. If I accelerate it, the engine stall immediately. I have visited two garages and they couldn't find problem. One garage changed the lead, plugs and alternator but the problem is still there. Battery was tested and ok.

Once the engine is warm, it is smooth running. The wobbling (sometimes shaking) problem only happens in cold condition. A garage said it probably is electrical problem.

Could you give me any hints?

Thanks and regards,


It could be a temperature sensor fault or a problem with the cold start system. You should consider taking the vehicle to a Mazda franchise garage, seeing that no one can fix it, as they might be familiar with this problem and find it easier to diagnose.


Thanks Donavan.

Do you know any Mazda franchise garage in Wellington?

Have a great weekend.

Best regards,


Capital city Mazda.
Assuming your engine has a carb it is probably the wax stat for the auto choke (I am assuming your car isn't injected as the fault you describe sound like the fault mentioned)